44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood
44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood

If you're researching this Glenwood property, feel free to call the real estate agents that sold it, for more info; EMMANUEL FARDOULY 0405 322 222 & GEORGE CHOUMAEV 0415 842 108.

A Stunning Display Of Single Level Living on 677.2sqm with a Pool & Spa

If you've been looking for something single level and special, then come and see 44 Hungerford Drive, Glenwood.

Here you will find all of the stand-out features you've loved during your house-hunting journey, combined into this magnificent and generous, family-friendly home, positioned within a peaceful and quality house-proud neighbourhood, a short walk to Caddies Creek Public School, Glenwood Shops and the bus stop.

- Eye-catching bathrooms and a stunning long-bench kitchen with a gas stove.
- A functional wood fireplace and ornate mantle piece as well as ducted reverse-cycle air-conditioning.
- Generously large rooms all-round both bedroom and living areas with 9 foot ceilings.
- Very low maintenance yard, paved and fully landscaped.
- Practical design allows you to keep an eye on the heated pool and spa from every living area in the house.

Contact Emmanuel on 0405 322 222 for more info. Selling or leasing your home? Feel free to call or SMS any time to discuss the different options.

Disclaimer: Every precaution has been taken to establish accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent. Prospective purchasers are urged to rely on their own enquiries



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